The biggest challenge for career starters today is to know how to get noticed in a crowd. Once you have the experience or credibility, people will listen to your viewpoint but until then what should you do?
I am Dr Gaurav Hirey, a Job Search Expert, a Results coach and a Senior Coach at Job Boosts. For more than two decades, having worked closely with thousands of candidates, hiring managers and recruiters, I have come across questions regarding ways a career starter can get noticed.
Today I am going to share with you three things that you can do to get your ideas across in a room full of strangers.
1. Create Content
If you are a career starter looking for opportunities, I’m sure you would have heard so many people say this to you. Creating content will get noticed. In a digital world like ours, you can get your ideas across and get people to notice you by creating content. Take that extra mile to write or visually communicate your thoughts through a blog post or a video. This step will help you build your own brand. Most candidates keep their opinions to themselves but you should make the effort to turn your ideas into content and stand out.
2. Quote Others’ Experience
Once you begin creating content, make sure you interact with people in your industry and borrow their expertise. You might not be an expert in your field but researching and citing experts will help you get noticed. It will be beneficial for two reasons. First, your credibility will increase and people in your industry will recognize you as someone who is an active learner. Second, the research will allow you to put your idea and thought across with evidence. This will make it more believable and help you stand out from the crowd.
3. Build on Mutual Interests
Finally, focus on finding commonalities when you interact with people in your industry and network. Finding a common base of conversation will help you connect with experts and people and make them more open to hearing your viewpoint. This doesn’t have anything to do with your experience or expertise but it will be effective for you. It will help you present your ideas directly and persuasively.
It is difficult to get yourself noticed in an environment that is new but it’s never impossible. You can fight this challenge by creating content and put your ideas across to your audience. Mentioning credible sources and leveraging experience from experts in your field is another way you can get noticed. Finally, focus on building a mutual interest with your audience. Follow these three strategies and make your presence count. I can’t wait to hear your success stories!