Five Tips to Ace a Video Interview

Mon Dec 12, 2022

Did you know a survey by OfficeTeam stated 63% of hiring managers and recruiters now use video interviews to shortlist candidates! (Source: The mode of shortlisting & selecting candidates has changed over the past year & companies are now closing positions by using video interviews, with the increase in remote jobs. Preparing for these interviews is different from preparing for an in-person face-to-face interview.

I am Dr. Gaurav Hirey, an entrepreneur, a Talent Scout and a Senior Results Coach at Job Boosts. For over more than two decades, I have worked with hundreds of recruiters, hiring managers and candidates. I am a recruiter and today I will share ways you can ace your next video interview.

1. Decide a quiet & comfortable place
Pick a quiet spot to give the interview and check for distractions. Make sure you have a clean desk and the door is shut to cancel out any noise. Choose a room with ample light so that your face is clear. Clear the background. Make sure it has a neutral background or a blank wall.

2. Keep your professional documents on you
Documents like your resume, the job description of the position you are applying for, a list of talking points and important information about the recruiter and the company could come in handy during the interview. Keeping these accessible will come in handy if you need to refer to something the recruiter asks you about. It’s always a great idea to be prepared.

3. Test your Technology
With video interviews, the most important thing you will need to focus on is testing it ahead of time. Sit in a place with a reliable network or use a broadband connection. Test the video conferencing platform you will use and work on eliminating technical difficulties that arise. Optimize your computer, camera and microphone and get familiar with the software beforehand.

4. Avoid Distractions
Turn off your notifications sounds on your phone or computer. You don’t want to be interrupted in an interview that can make or break your career. Pay attention to your posture, dress formally, be confident and look at the camera. It might be awkward I know but it gives the impression that you are making eye contact with your recruiter. Remember practice makes perfect.

5. Be comfortable with silence
Train yourself to become comfortable with pauses and silence. During virtual interviews, there isn’t a cue that you’ve given a satisfactory answer. So work towards it and stop talking when you have said enough. This will give the recruiter to contribute to the conversation and ask more questions.

Video interviews can be intimidating but don’t worry. You will get better with practice. Remember to sit in a place away from distractions and noise. Make sure you have all the documents you might need during the interview. Check and recheck the software and get familiar with it before the actual interview. Look for technical faults and resolve them beforehand. Sit in a well-lit place and maintain an attentive posture. Watch your words and be comfortable with silence. That’s all you need! Keep these steps in mind next time and I’m certain you will ace it! I can’t wait to hear your success stories.

Sagar Patel