Four Tips to Ace a Telephonic Interview

Sun Apr 16, 2023

Most job seekers forget that preparing for a telephonic interview is different from preparing for an in-person interview. Studies show that 57% of the companies use telephonic interviews when hiring candidates. In the current scenario, most companies are using telephonic and video interviews as a result of rising telecommuting and remote jobs.

I am Dr Gaurav Hirey, a Job Search expert and a Senior Coach at Job Boosts. With over two decades of working closely with thousands of job seekers, hiring managers and recruiters, I have come across candidates who didn’t get the job because they didn’t prepare well for their telephonic interviews.

Now think of this, you are in a room but you can’t see the people interviewing you. It will be difficult to have a conversation. This is what most candidates face in a telephonic interview. Today, I will share with you four tips that you can use to ace the interview and impress the recruiter.

1. Keep your documents ready
Keep your resume, the job description and a list of important information about the company and your interviewer close. This will help you feel confident about yourself. I can assure you will be able to answer their questions better if you are well prepared. So research about the position, the company and make a list that will help you.

2. Get comfortable with silence
Giving an interview when you can’t see the person can be intimidating. Learn to be comfortable with pauses and silence. There won’t be a visual cue for you to know if you’ve answered sufficiently so, stop talking when you think you have said enough. Give the other person an equal chance to speak.

3. Be careful of your posture
While giving an interview, make sure you carry a smile and sit straight. This will be reflected in your answers. If you are confident, sound positive and friendly while answering all questions, the hiring manager will see you in a positive light and this will be a great opportunity for you to shine.

4. Take notes
While you are on a call make sure you keep a pen and paper handy. Do not use a keyboard as it can be distracting. Make note of important things the recruiter talks about and ask questions if you miss out on something. Write important names or other facts about the job or the people you will be working for mentioned by the person on the phone call.

Telephonic interviews can get intimidating but don’t let it get in the middle of your job search. Make sure you research the company and practice ahead of time. Sit in a quiet corner of your house or away from distractions. Keep your documents around and check your posture. Get comfortable with the silence and make sure you note down important things mentioned by the person on the phone call. Take these points into consideration the next time you prepare for a telephonic interview and I’m sure you will stand out from the crowd. I wish you the best!

Mayuri Doshi

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