Three Ways To Get Noticed at Work

access_time 1681723800000 face Tanusree Bagchi
Three Ways To Get Noticed at Work You are a sincere and hardworking employee. You always meet deadlines and put in efforts to move projects forward. Don’t you want your colleagues and supervisors to notice it and appreciate you? I guess you do. Did you know global studies reveal that Recognition is...

7 Ways to Get Noticed by Recruiters on LinkedIn

access_time 1681723800000 face Dr. Gaurav Hirey
7 Ways to Get Noticed by Recruiters on LinkedIn With the digitization of the world, candidates actively looking for jobs on various company websites, job boards and social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. It is interesting to know that 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn to check c...

Three Things You Should Do To Build a Strong Network

access_time 1681720200000 face Purti Sanghavi
Three Things You Should Do To Build a Strong Network If you are a job seeker or someone who has been there, I am sure many people would have advised you to build a strong network. In fact, a study by LinkedIn states that up to 85% of jobs are filled via networking! I am Swati Hirey, an established ...

5 Ways to Break Out of a Job-Hunting Rut

access_time 1681716600000 face Dr. Gaurav Hirey
5 Ways to Break Out of a Job-Hunting Rut In an overly competitive world like ours, candidates often find themselves stuck in a job-hunting rut. So the question is when do you realize you’ve hit the trough and what can you do to break out of it. A study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in...

3 Ways to Get you Noticed by Decision-Makers

access_time 1681723800000 face Dr. Gaurav Hirey
3 Ways to Get you Noticed by Decision-Makers In a competitive world like ours, it is important to get noticed to grab the opportunity that you have been looking for. Recruiters are often faced with the tough decision of having to choose from good talent. Did you know 75 per cent of resumes are reje...
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